
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
第二章 下榻酒店
1. It"s very kind of you, but we don"t take tips.非常感谢你,但是我们是不收小费的。(√)
2. Would you like me to make up your room now? 我现在可以为您铺床了吗?(×)
3. Would you mind telling me what’s wrong with your room, sir?先生,请告诉我您的房间有什么问题?(√)
4. We will give you a discount of 10% off the room rate.房费我们会给您打九折。(√)
5. Could you tell me what your wallet is like?请问您的钱包里有什么?(×)
6. This is your check. It’s 558RMB plus 15% service charge.这是您的账单,共计558元,附加15%的服务费。(√)
7.The air-conditioner doesn’t work.冰箱坏了。(×)
8. We clean the swimming pool regularly.我们定期清洁泳池。(√)
9. Please take care of your belongings and valuables.请保管好您的个人物品和贵重物品。(√)
10. Sir/ Madam, the shampoo, hair conditioner, facial cleanser, toothpaste and tooth brush are all free.先生、女士,洗发水,护发素,洗面奶,牙膏和牙刷都是免费的。(√)
第三章 商务社交
1. Which of the following is an internal barrier to communication? ( )
A. the shyness of a person.
B. a domineering boss
C. a room that is so hot that everyone is impatient with each other
