
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
17.We would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused by this delay. 对于事故给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意。(×)
18.All the soft drinks are free to all passengers while bar service is free to first class and business class passengers. It is also available to economy passengers at a reasonable price.所有的软饮料都是免费的,部分酒水只对头等舱和经济舱乘客免费。对商务舱旅客收取理性的费用。(×)
19.We have some international newspapers such as The New York Times, Washington Post, some national newspapers like China Daily, and some local newspapers. Which would you like? 我们有一些国际报纸,例如纽约时报、华盛顿邮报,还有国内报纸比如中国日报,还有一些本地报纸。您想看哪一种?(√)
20.Firstly, you should put the jack into the hole at your armrest and adjust the volume as you wish. Then you can choose different channels for different music by pressing those numbers on the armrest.首先,你要把插头插到你扶手上的孔里,然后调整到你喜欢的音量。然后你就可以按扶手上的数字来切换频道,选择你喜欢的音乐了。(√)
21. My seat is very close to the screen. And the screen is too bright for me to sleep. Could you dim the screen ? 我的座位离屏幕很近。屏幕的光太亮了,影响我睡觉。您可以关掉屏幕吗?(×)
