
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
22.All dutiable items must be listed on your customs form, such as cigarettes, wine, perfume and so on. 所有的应纳税物品都得列在您的报关单上,比如香烟、酒、香水等。(√)
23.I have a computer with me. Do I have to declare it? 我带了一台电脑,需要关闭它吗?(×)
24.Sorry, you’ll have to wait for two hours in the departure hall. After that, you can go to the transfer counter on the second floor and check in. 抱歉,您需要在航站楼等两个小时。之后您要到二楼的中转柜台办理登机手续。(×)
25.I’m sorry to tell you that your baggage has been broken. Sorry for the inconvenience. But don’t worry, we will pay for your loss.很抱歉,您的箱 ? 划线部分的单词意思是____A_____.
A.汇率 B.小数点 C.百分比 D.评估
28.How much would you like to change?划线部分的单词意思是____B____.
A.改变 B.兑换 C.掌管 D.零钱
29.Sorry, you are not allowed to bring more than one hundred milliliter liquid, and the knife is prohibited item. 划线部分的单词意思是____A____.
A.禁运物品 B.禁止条款 C.违禁药品 D.托运物品
30.Can I pay _A__ cash? Or ____ credit card?
A.in; by B.in; in C.by; in D.by; by
第二章 下榻酒店
1.Good morning. ___C____ I help you?
