
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
2.It would be the best time before the major trade fairs take place in Europe and the United States. 这是在欧美主要贸易展开始之前最佳的时间。(√)
3.The trade shows gather large numbers of buyers in the region for sourcing new products.该博览会收集了这个地区大量的卖家来寻找新货源。(×)
4.The proverb “a year"s plan starts with spring” will help promote our show.谚语“一年之计在于春”有助于宣传推广我们的展会。(√)
5.I"ll check for the cost and availability for each venue right away.我将立刻核实一下每个场馆的费用和可用性。(√)
6.We want to hold the fair in mid January. Would the venue be available at that time?我们将在7月中旬举办展览,届时有展厅吗?(×)
7.Please send your booking details and the requirements to my email address.请将您的预定细节和要求发至我邮箱。(√)
8.Sure! By the way, can you also send me the estimates of the cost to use these facilities?好的,顺便也请您把用这些设施的准确费用发给我好吗?(×)
9.We can offer a total of more than 70,000 square meters of exhibition space. 我们可提供面积达7千多平方米的展馆。(×)
10.These 2 halls are all equipped with first-class acoustic paneling systems, modular seating systems and star-quality backstage facilities.
