
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
5.Since when have you been feeling like this? 您这种感觉是从什么时候开始的?(√)
6.Do you know where the nearest subway station is?你知道最近的地铁站在哪里?(√)
7.Are you familiar with the streets around here?你对这附近的街道熟悉吗?(√)
8.Would you please tell me when the bus arrives at the railway station?你能告诉我这辆车什么时候到飞机场吗?(×)
9.Is there a Chinese speaking guide?这里有会中文的导游吗?(√)
10.Do you have one-day tour?你们有一日游吗?(√)
11.Do you buy them individually or by weight?你是想单独卖出还是称重卖出呢?(×)
12.Where’s the fitting room?洗衣间在哪?(×)
13.I’ll take it. Can you wrap it up for me? 我买了,你能帮忙打包吗?(√)
14.This T shirt doesn’t fit. Can I exchange? 这件T恤儿不合身,我可以调换吗?(√)
15.Which department would you like to book for?请问需要约哪个科?(√)
16.Today’s rate of exchange is RMB 7.74 yuan for a dollar. 今天的汇率是7.74元人民币兑换1美元。(√)
17.The first thing you should do after arriving at the airport is to check-in. 到达机场后第一件要做的事儿就是选座位了。(×)
18.In order to ensure the normal operations of the airplane, cell phones are strictly prohibited. 为了保证飞机能正常操作,手机是被严禁使用的。(√)
