
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
5.A.suffers B.benefits C.develops D.differs
6.A.acceptance B.evidence C.cultivation D.creation
7.A.doubted B.denied C.argued D.requested
8.A.adapting B.forming C.repairing D.testing
9.A.analogous B.essential C.suitable D.sensitive
10.A.just B.ever C. still D.even
11.A.restriction B.experiment C.perspective D.demand
12.A.attaching B.reducing C.returning D.exposing
13.A.However B.Moreover C.Therefore D.Otherwise
14.A.temporarily B.literally C.superficially D.imaginarily
15.A.list B.level C.label D.local
16.A.recalled B.agreed C.questioned D.added
17.A.chances B.risks C.excuses D.assumptions
18.A. danger B.failure C.warning D.control
19.A.represents B.includes C.reveals D.recognizes
20.A.humble B.poor C.practical D.easy
Section II Reading Comprehension
Part A
Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C], or [D]. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)
