
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
I am willing to exchange , reincarnation times for a long life for you and me
I remember how he went from being obedient to being frosty
Who would have thought of adjusting their thoughts by touching their fingers and scattering dust? Whose tears did the years in memory shed? Whose sorrow falls in time?
你走了,带走了我所有的爱,只是离别。我忍住眼泪,看着你的背影,想最后一次拥抱你,想再一次告诉你 "我爱你"。
When you left, you took away all my love, just leaving I hold back my tears, look at your back, want to hug you for the last time, and want to tell you "I love you" again
Men are eager to tell women their plight, but women are willing to listen to men brag about their success
无论你对异性有多失望,你都没有理由对爱情感到失望。因为爱本身就是希望,永远是生命的希望。爱是自己的品质,是自己的心和灵魂,是自己的处境,而不是别人的。爱不是一个名词,而是一个动词,永远是一个动词,它无限地移动。-- 斯特森,《务虚笔记》。
No matter how disappointed you are in the opposite sex, you have no reason to be disappointed in love Because love itself is hope, and it will always be the hope of life Love is your own quality, your own heart and soul, your own situation, not others" Love is not a noun, but a verb It will always be a verb It moves indefinitely -Stetson, "Retreat Notes"
