
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
1.小可爱别伤心,我回来的时候给你摘星星Don"t be sad. I"ll pick the stars for you when I come back2.你不用刻意温柔,你可以冲我耍小脾气,你可以皱眉,我把我一生的耐心都给你,我来哄你就好You don"t have to be gentle. You can be angry with me. You can frown. I"ll give you my whole life"s patience. I"ll coax you3.不要刻意的去遇见谁,更不勉强地去留住谁。一切都顺其自然,最好的自己留给最后的人Do not deliberately to meet who, more reluctant to retain who. Everything goes with the flow. The best for the last?4.何必向不值得的人证明什么,生活得更好,是为了自己,打扮的漂亮是为了取悦自己,不用在乎别人说什么Why should we prove to unworthy people that life is better for ourselves, and that beauty is to please ourselves without caring what others say?5.你躲在角落,凭什么奢求世界给你万众瞩目You hide in the corner, why do you expect the world to attract your attention?6.只有心里藏着小星星了,生活才会亮晶晶Only when there are little stars in my heart can life be bright7.忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow8.别人都说街角遇到爱 ,也有可能是乞丐People say that if you meet love on the street corner, you may be a beggar9.经常被自己蠢哭,又舍不得揍自己,想好好的训自己一顿吧,又太爱哭,所以就喜欢这样的自己吧I"m often cried by myself, and I"m reluctant to beat myself. I want to train myself well, and I love crying too much, so I like this kind of myself10.对自己好一点,能怪男朋友的就不要怪自己,反正生气了他就得来哄你,谁让你是个小可爱呢?
