
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
Be nice to yourself. If you can blame your boyfriend, don"t blame yourself. If you are angry, he has to coax you. Who makes you a little cute?11.不是我不珍惜,而是我太傻,一厢情愿的把你放在最重要的地方,而你却将我看作一个笑话It"s not that I don"t cherish it, but that I"m too stupid to put you in the most important place, and you see me as a joke12.做颗星星, 有棱有角 ,还会发光Be a star, angular and shining13.我对象做过最让我感动的事,就是为了不打扰我,到现在还没出现My object has done the most moving thing for me, just to not disturb me, and it has not appeared yet14.我的超能力,就是所有事情都超出了我的能力My superpower is that everything is beyond my ability15.要保持良好的心态 ,想开一点 ,起码现在的我们还有头发可以掉,不要伤心,不要难过,让自己更加优秀Want to keep a good attitude, want to open a little bit, at least now we still have hair to fall, don"t be sad, don"t be sad, make ourselves better16.今天的我你爱理不理,明天的我还来找你,如果你不烦我,我天天来,直到你理我If you don"t bother me, I"ll come to you every day until you take care of me17.天下没有不散的宴席 ,但是如果你请客 我可以陪你再多吃一点,如果你喜欢我,我会更加的喜欢你There are no banquets that never leave, but if you treat me, I can accompany you to eat more. If you like me, I will like you more18.经常被自己蠢哭,但又不能揍自己,所以要好好的反思自己,这样自己才会更加的爱自己I often cry, but I can"t beat myself, so I need to reflect on myself, so I can love myself more19.真正的喜欢,是越了解越喜欢,了解了你最丑的一面,还是愿意喜欢你,帮助你I really like it. I like it more and more. I know the ugliest side of you. I"d like to like you and help you20.你的眼神再温柔一点吧 ,月亮会融化的, 我也会Your eyes are more gentle, the moon will melt, so will I21.如果抓不住旧时光的影子,我们就可以微笑的看着往昔,告诉自己别回头If we can"t catch the shadow of the old time, we can smile at the past and tell ourselves not to look back22.世界很大,幸福很小。
