
2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
Paragraph 2:
Surprisingly, she found the man sitting just behind her. He was just looking up and met her eyes, also with a smile on his face. The woman was at an absolute loss but gave the man a nervous laugh in return. With a quite open mouth, she was unable to say any apology to him. Murmuring “Sorry, sorry…It was I myself who was the real cookie thief.” After a while, she fell asleep on her seat with the plane flying steadily. The next day, when she arrived at her new company, the biggest surprise was waiting for her.
Marty was new at school. Usually when you’re the new kid, you lay low, but not Marty.
On his first day, he made a toothpick disappear. One second he was holding the toothpick, and the next second it was gone! Everyone was asking him how he did it. “It’s magic! At my old school, they actually called me Magic Marty.” Marty said proudly. “Is he serious?” I whispered to my friend Brian. “I don’t know, but that was pretty cool,” Brian said, still watching Marty. I knew Marty’s magic was fake, but I just couldn’t prove it.
