
2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
Another time, Marty pulled a water bottle out of his bag, along with a cup and carefully poured water into it. Marty got a handful of ice cubes! Applause filled the hallway. When asked how he did it, he just smiled,” Sorry, but that’s the first law of magic. A magician never reveals his secrets.”
Well he won’t have to, I thought to myself. I’ll reveal his secrets for him.
That night, at home, I sat at the kitchen table for almost an hour, trying to figure out the trick. “At it again, honey?” My mom watched me wiggle my fingers hopelessly over a cup of water. “He’s tricking people!” I cried. “Sounds as if he’s trying to make friends.” My mom patted my arm.
Magic Marty had me stumped (把…难住), but the next day I caught a lucky break. At lunch, Marty was going on about how he could make things float. He had a ring in one hand and a pencil in the other. That’s when I saw it: a thin piece of fishing line tied around the end of the pencil and attached to a button on Marty’s shirt! Sure enough, he made the ring “float” by sliding it over the pencil and hanging it from the line. No one else noticed, and soon the whole cafeteria was clapping. However, I wasn’t.
