
2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
Peter must be dancing, shaking the whole room. Is at up suddenly and shouted out to my little brother above me, “Stop shaking the bed,would you?”In the meantime, he was saying, “It’s not me. It’s you.”
Seconds later, Mum rushed into our room with an extra worried face and a crying baby in her arms, screaming to us to run out of the house. By then I found things were flying everywhere. The room was shaking like a “jelly (果冻)”. The bookshelf fell on the ground.“What’s happening?”I was thinking. Peter was too scared to move. All of a sudden, I completely woke up and realized what was going on was the first earthquake I had ever experienced in my life. I grabbed a blanket from the bed, dragged Peter down, and left on foot in a flash.
In a second, I was shirtless and shoeless in the street with my neighbors, being thrown back and forth by the ground that seemed to turn to liquid. The tremble I felt from beneath the earth was like a truck passing or the subway moving underneath. The house swung and twisted as if it were made of paper. As we all stood in the street, some tried to call their family and friends but the networks broke down, and they couldn’t get through to anyone. People were hugging each other, anxiously trying to reach their loved ones or weeping in panic.
