
2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
Have you noticed how some lucky people just aren’t the worrying type? Take my friend Ollie, for example. Living on the same block, we’ve known each other since we were babies, and I’ve seen him act worried maybe five times total. I, on the other hand, am pretty much the exact opposite. I could find something to worry about every day.
At my karate(空手道) school, there’s a group of kids that gives karate lessons to younger kids, and I recently tried out to be one of the teachers.
Surprisingly, I wasn’t that nervous for the tryouts(选拔). But when I didn’t get the call saying if I was in or out, I started feeling more and more nervous. Before long, my nervousness turned into worrying, and when it came to thinking about anything else or getting anything done, I was useless!
So after lunch yesterday, when my little brother Tex asked me to play basketball with him, I could only say, “I can’t. I’m busy!” “Busy with what?” my little sister, Indi, asked. “Busy waiting for the phone to ring!” I grumbled.
