
2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
“You’re reminding me of that old saying,” said our mom. “A watched pot never boils!” “The more you focus on the thing you’re waiting for, the longer it seems to take,” she explained when seeing my brother’s puzzling eyes.
Just then, the phone rang, and I raced to grab it. “Hello?” “Hey,” said Ollie. “Oh, it’s just you,” I said. “Wow, you sure know how to make a friend feel special!” said Ollie. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I’ve been waiting for a call telling me if I made it into this karate group, and it’s stressing me out.” “I get it,” said Ollie. “I remember being so stressed waiting to find out if I’d made it onto the select soccer team last year. The best cure was distracting(使分心) myself.”
I was surprised. “I thought you never worried.” “I’m pretty sure that’s part of being human,” said Ollie. “And I’m also pretty sure I have just the thing to distract you. Want me to bring it over?” he asked.
Paragraph 1:
“Hmm,” I said suspiciously. “What exactly is this thing?”
