
2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
Mike took the last bite of the chocolate ice cream and jumped into the car with his parents. They headed off to the Olympic sized pool for the big swim meet.
When his race came up, Mike was confident. He was strong and swift and won first place, making him the fastest boy in his age group.
“Congratulations," said his father. His mother gave him a hug, even though he was wet.
A week later, it was time for another swim meet and Mike decided to eat the same ice cream. He thought that it was his luck ice cream and that it might help him win again.
He took first place again in his race. Mike was feeling pretty good. Since then, Mike has decided to have the same ice cream before every swim meet and has always won.
Several months passed and Mike was feeling unbeatable. Although he wouldn"t admit it, all the ice cream was adding pounds to his athletic swimmer"s build.
It didn"t take long before the luck ice cream had lost its magic. Mike started to slip to second place and then third place in his races. His scores kept worsening and Mike felt really bad. He knew what was wrong. But he couldn"t admit it to himself and especially to his parents. He did not want to disappoint them.
