2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
D. Turning recycled plastic bottles into clothing hasn"t been put into practice.
33. What"s the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. How to wash synthetic clothes.
B. How to prevent plastic pollution
C. How microfibers end up in the sea.
D. Relationship between plastic pollution and microfibers.
34. How does Browne"s Benign by Design research project run?
A. It has achieved great success. B. It is facing some difficulties
C. It is known to very few people. D. It hasn"t got anything done.
35. What"s the best title for the text?
A. Recycled plastic clothing: solution or pollution?
B. Microfibers, the biggest source of plastic in the sea
C. Environmental protection: moving forward or backward?
D. Turning plastic into clothing, a new step in environmental protection