
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧


How to change from “World Memory Heritage”to “Human literature reader”
By Lanxin(Lanxin Samei)
(Chinese bestselling author)
( The only female descendant of Dongba culture)
In ancient times, the ancestor Chongrenlien went to heaven to marry the heavenly daughter Chenhengbaobai, He said to the Heavenly Father,“Please give me your daughter in marriage.” The Father asked him,“Of what race are you descended?” He said proudly,
“I am the descendant of the nine brothers who opened heaven, I am the descendant of the seven sisters who opened earth. I am the offspring of a race that everyone praised when I climbed ninety-nine hills; I am the offspring of a race admired in the seventy-seven places when I went to climb the seventy-seven hills; I am descended from a race of white conch lions; I am descended from the golden elephant race; I am the descendant of a race that can swallow three buckets of fried noodles without choking. I am the off spring of a race that will not be satisfied even after eating mountains, nor quench its thirst even after drinking sea water; I am a descendant of a race that cannot be killed or broken.”
