
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
■同: complex, knotty, involved, sophisticated, twisted, tangled, labyrinthine
■反: straightfoiward 直截了当的
coalesce英 [kles] 美 [koles] vi. 合并;结合;联合 vt. 使…联合;使…合并
考点1: v.合并,融合 to unite into a whole: fuse
■e.g.Different units coalesced into one army不同的党派融合成了一支部队
■同: associate, coalesce, combine, conjoin, connect, couple, fuse, interfuse, join, link (up), unify, unite
■反: break up, dissever, section, separate, sever, split, sunder, unlink, disband 分开,解散
giddy 英 [ɡdi] 美 [ɡdi] adj. 头晕的;眼花的;令人眼花缭乱的;轻浮的 vt. 使晕眩;使眼花缭乱 vi. 眼花;眩晕
考点1: adj.轻浮不严肃的: lacking in seriousness or maturity
■e.g.teach a bunch of giddy Girl Scouts how to make a fire教一群漫不经心的女童子军如何生火
■同: flighty, frivolous, frothy
■反: grave, serious严肃的;earnest认真的
考点2: adj.喜悦的: joyfully elated
■e.g.He"s clearly giddy at the news that his ailing grandfather will be fine.听到他袓父的病将无大恙,他的喜悦之情溢于言表
■同: elated, elevated, euphoric, exhilarated, exultant, intoxicated, rapturous
■反: depressed, melancholy 忧郁的