
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Ironically, procrastinating gives us a sense of control.讽刺的是,拖延给了我们一种控制感。
Or, maybe you"re the creative type, and ideas just can"t be forced.或者可能是是因为你是创造型的人,想法是不能被强迫出来的。
Everyone knows, artists are a little flaky at times, but their procrastinating nature might actually help their creative juices keep flowing.人人都知道,艺术家有时有点古怪,但是他们拖延的天性可能会帮助他们的创造力源源不断。
If you"re an artist yourself, you probably agree with this. You hate deadlines and you find them only discouraging you from your best work.如果你是一名艺术家, 你可能会同意这一点。你讨厌截止日期, 你觉得它们只会阻碍你最棒的作品。
Researchers coin the term, "Unfinished Tasks" to explain this.研究人员创造出了 “未完成的任务"这个术语来解释这一现象。
See, when we abandon a project and let it stew in our minds for the next few weeks, we get all kinds of new, innovative ideas.你看,当我们停止一个项目,并且在接下来的几周,让它萦绕在我们脑中,我们会得到各种各样的新的、创新的想法。
If we had simply rushed through the task, and completed it as fast as possible; guess what happens. A creative block.如果我们只是匆匆完成这项任务,尽可能快的完成它; 猜猜结果会怎样? 一个创造性僵局。
