
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
When we go through our projects with affine-toothed comb, looking for perfection, it takes a real toll on our mental state.当我们仔细地检查我们的项目,追求完美的时候,我们的精神状态会受到很大的影响。
Once again, this is something we totally relate to! Anyone else? Maybe, you"re an evening person.这与我们息息相关! 其他人呢?也许,你是个夜猫子。


Remember those early mornings during high school? Remember how hard it was to focus on pretty much anything?还记得高中时期,那些早起的清晨吗? 还记得要把注意力集中在几乎任何事情,上是多么困难吗?
Maybe you"re still going through this every morning. In the world of psychology,也许你每天早.上都要经历这些。在心理学中,
this is known as "Eveningness" which basically means, you"re definitely NOT a morning person.这被称为 “夜型人“,这意味着,你绝对不是一个早起的人。
And if you"re part of this exclusive club, procrastination might be a big part of your life.如果你属于这类人,那么拖延症可能是你生活中的一个重要部分。
Studies have shown that undergraduate students who procrastinate are much more likely to exhibit "Eveningness".研究表明,喜欢拖延的大学生更有可能是 ‘夜型人"。
