
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
(18)3月11日,世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞表示,新冠肺炎疫情已具有大流行特征。(18)March 11: WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced, “We have therefore made the assessment that Covid-19 can be characterized as a pandemic.”
(19)3月11日至17日,全国每日新增本土确诊病例数维持在个位数。总体上,中国本轮疫情流行高峰已经过去,新增发病数持续下降,疫情总体保持在较低水平。(19)March 11 to 17: The daily increase in the number of domestic cases on the Chinese mainland remained in single digits. The epidemic peak had passed in China as a whole, with the number of new cases steadily declining and the epidemic comfortably under control.
(20)3月17日,首批42支国家援鄂医疗队撤离武汉。(20) March 17: Forty-two medical teams from around the country left Wuhan, having completed their mission there.
(四)第四阶段:取得武汉保卫战、湖北保卫战决定性成果Stage IV: Wuhan and Hubei – An Initial Victory in a Critical Battle
(3月18日至4月28日)(March 18-April 28, 2020)
以武汉市为主战场的全国本土疫情传播基本阻断,离汉离鄂通道管控措施解除,武汉市在院新冠肺炎患者清零,武汉保卫战、湖北保卫战取得决定性成果,全国疫情防控阻击战取得重大战略成果。境内疫情零星散发,境外疫情快速扩散蔓延,境外输入病例造成关联病例传播。中共中央把握疫情形势发展变化,确定了“外防输入、内防反弹”的防控策略,巩固深化国内疫情防控成效,及时处置聚集性疫情,分类推动复工复产,关心关爱境外中国公民。(图7)By making critical advances in the city of Wuhan, the main battleground against the virus, China initially halted the spread of Covid-19 on the mainland. Restrictions on outbound traffic from Wuhan City and Hubei Province were lifted, and all Covid-19 patients in Wuhan hospitals were discharged. China won a critical battle in defending Wuhan and Hubei against Covid-19, which was a major step forward in the nationwide virus control effort.During this period, sporadic cases were reported, and more infections were caused by inbound arrivals carrying the virus which continued to spread overseas. In response to the evolving Covid-19 dynamics, the CPC Central Committee adopted an approach to prevent the coronavirus from entering the country and stem its domestic resurgence. Efforts were made to consolidate gains in virus control, promptly treat cluster cases, and get the country back to work sector by sector. Care and support were given to Chinese citizens abroad (see Chart 7).
