2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
(8)3月27日,中共中央总书记习近平主持召开中共中央政治局会议,指出要因应国内外疫情防控新形势,及时完善疫情防控策略和应对举措,把重点放在“外防输入、内防反弹”上来,保持疫情防控形势持续向好态势;强调要在疫情防控常态化条件下加快恢复生产生活秩序,力争把疫情造成的损失降到最低限度,努力完成全年经济社会发展目标任务;强调要在做好疫情防控的前提下,支持湖北有序复工复产,做好援企、稳岗、促就业、保民生等工作。(8)March 27: Xi Jinping chaired a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. He called for a timely improvement in China’s Covid-19 control measures in response to changing Covid-19 dynamics, both domestic and globally, with a shift in focus to preventing inbound cases and domestic resurgence, so as to sustain the positive momentum in virus control.He stressed the need to speedily resume work and normal life while continuing Covid-19 prevention and control, in order to minimize the losses caused by Covid-19 and fulfill the goals of economic and social development set for the year. Provided that prevention and control protocols were duly observed, support should be given to get Hubei back to work in an orderly manner, and help enterprises create jobs, keep their employees, and ensure their livelihoods.