
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
建立分级分层新闻发布制度。坚持国家和地方相结合、现场发布与网上发布相结合,建立多层次多渠道多平台信息发布机制,持续发布权威信息,及时回应国内外关注的疫情形势、疫情防控、医疗救治、科研攻关等热点问题。截至5月31日,国务院联防联控机制、国务院新闻办公室共举行新闻发布会161场,邀请50多个部门490余人次出席发布会,回答中外媒体1400多个提问;湖北省举行103场新闻发布会,其他省份共举行1050场新闻发布会。A tiered news release mechanism has been formed.At both national and local levels, a tiered information release mechanism has been formed to circulate authoritative information through various channels and platforms, both onsite and online, in order to address domestic and international concerns on virus control, medical treatment, and scientific research. By May 31, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism and the Information Office of the State Council had held 161 press conferences during which officials from more than 50 government departments appeared over 490 times and answered more than 1,400 questions from Chinese and foreign media. One hundred and three press conferences had been held in Hubei and 1,050 in the other provinces.
依法适时订正病例数据。本土疫情得到控制后,为确保公开透明、数据准确,武汉市针对疫情早期因收治能力不足导致患者在家中病亡、医院超负荷运转、死亡病例信息登记不全等原因,客观上存在迟报、漏报、误报现象,根据相关法律规定,在深入开展涉疫大数据与流行病学调查的基础上,对确诊和死亡病例数进行了订正,并向社会公开发布。Covid-19 statistics have been updated in accordance with the law.In the early stage of Covid-19 control, there were late, incomplete and erroneous reports of Covid-19 cases in Wuhan due to unverified deaths at home, inadequate hospital capacity, hospitals being overwhelmed, and incomplete recording of deaths. After the domestic spread of Covid-19 had been brought under control, the city updated the number of confirmed cases and deaths based on big data application and an epidemiological investigation to ensure accuracy of the data, and released the results in an open and transparent manner in accordance with the law.
