
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
我们坚决落实新发展理念,实现三亚经济高质量发展。预计2018年,全市地区生产总值增长7%;地方一般公共预算收入首次突破百亿元大关,增长13.3%;全年接待过夜游客增长11%,旅游总收入增长15 %,其中入境游客增长17.41%,旅游外汇收入增长2.57%;三亚凤凰国际机场旅客吞吐量突破2000万人次,成为国内首个迈入2000万级俱乐部的非省会地级市机场。
We put in place with a resolute mind the new development philosophy tosecure high-quality economic development in Sanya. It’s estimated that, in 2018, the local GDP saw a growth by 7%.Revenue from local general public budgetexceeded 10 billion yuan for the first time, up by 13.3%.The number of overnight tourists received increased by 11% in the whole year, and the revenue of tourism in total grew by 15%, among which the number of inbound tourists saw an increase by 17.41% and the foreign exchange incomeof tourism rose by 2.57%. The passenger throughput of Sanya Phoenix International Airport exceeded 20 million person-times, making it the first airport which fell into the category of non-provincial capital and prefecture-level city in China ranking among 20-million-club.
我们推动改革开放向纵深发展,重点领域和关键环节改革取得新成效。深化“放管服”和商事制度改革,不断提升营商环境法治化、国际化、便利化水平;创新实施以医保支付方式改革为抓手推进紧密型医联体建设,获得国务院通报表扬;全国首创“路长制”,打造交通和治安管理新格局;举办澜湄国家旅游城市(三亚)合作论坛、第68届世界小姐总决赛、庆祝改革开放40周年暨2019新年音乐会、三亚国际音乐节等大型赛事论坛会展活动,成功申办2020年亚洲沙滩运动会,有力提升三亚国际知名度和美誉度。 “大三亚”经济圈区域协调发展迈出新步伐。
