
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Biden put the brakes onmany of these developments and called for tougher environmental checks before permits were awarded. It made him very unpopular with developers and businesspeople, but it won him many admirers who noted his willingness to take on difficult fights.
It was that fighting spirit that the Democratic Party in Delaware now turned to as they tried to rethink their strategy after the terrible results of the 1970 election. They weren’t connecting with voters and were seen as behind the times. They created a Democratic Renewal Commission, with Biden as a member, and began some serioussoul-searching.
Won a seat in the Senate赢得了参议院席位
The same Republican had controlled one of Delaware’s seats in the United States Senate since 1946. To get more influence in the state, the Democrats decided they must find a challenger to beat him. And who better than the rising star Joe Biden, who was causing such astir with his progressive environmental policies.
