
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Biden was flabbergastedat being asked to run. After all, he was only 29 and just beginning his political career. But with the support of Neilia and his family, he decided to take it on. Valerie Biden was once again put in charge of the campaign, his younger brother took on fundraising, and Neilia was a constant ally.
From the start, theirs was an underdogcampaign. They had no money, and funders weren"t willing to invest in a candidate they were sure would lose. After all, no one had beaten the Republican incumbent for nearly three decades! Why did this young upstart think that he could?
But Biden and his family used their apparent weaknesses, and turned them into strengths. When they couldn"t afford to mail out literature, they recruited a network of volunteers to do deliveries, helping to increase engagement in the campaign. Instead of courtingjournalists and chasing publicity, they focused on small community events. Biden would host up to ten coffee meetings a day in people"s living rooms, chatting with voters and answering questions in a relaxed, intimate setting.
