
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
In spite of the bad press, Biden"s campaign gained momentum. He was able to connect with audiences of all kinds, and it seemed that people were hungry for his message of decency and opportunity for all.
But his campaign was dealt a huge blow when the New York Times published a story claiming he"d used part of a speech by the British politician Neil Kinnock, without attributing the quote. Biden had included Kinnock"s lines in the closing argument of a debate, and forgot to credit him. The newspaper didn"t mention that they"d been sent the video by one of Biden"s political rivals, who was actively trying to smearhis campaign.
The stories got worse. Journalistsraked through Biden"s academic records, and found that at Syracuse he"d also been accused of plagiarizing a quote. In the end, the law school had concluded that Biden hadn"t intended to cheat. As a young scholar, he simply didn"t know how to reference properly. But the press didn"t care. They ran a story about how Biden was a plagiarizer even in college. The stories were devastating to Biden because they questioned the quality he prized most highly: his personal integrity.
