
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
reduce sb./sth. to sth./doing 使……沦落为、降格为
refer to ①指的是 ②指到、说到、提及、谈到
refer to sth. as 把……看作
regard sb./sth. as 当作、认为
regret doing 悔恨做过……
regret to do 后悔去……
rely on sb. 依赖某人
remain in business 继续营业
remain in poor health 身体不好
remember doing 想起来做过
remember sb. to sb. 让某人记住某人
remember to do 想起来该做
remind sb. of sth./sb. 让某人想起……、提醒某人……
remind sb. that 提醒某人……
reply that… 回答说
reply to 答复
report sth. to sb. 向某人汇报……
report to sb. sth. 向某人汇报……
request (that) sb. (should) do 要求某人应该做某事(虚拟语气)
require (that) sb. (should) do 要求某人应该做某事(虚拟语气)
require doing/to be done 要求(被)……
require to do sth. 请求……
rest room 厕所
result from 由于
result in 导致
return sth. to sb. 把……归还……
return to normal 复原
return to sp. 回到……
right away 马上、立刻
right now 马上、立刻
ring back 回电话
ring off 挂断(电话)
rob sb. of sth. 抢某人的……
rot away 腐烂
round the clock 昼夜地
run about 到处跑
run around 到处跑
run at a speed of sth. 以……的速度前进
