
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
run at top speed 全速前进
run in 追捕
run off 跑开、跑掉
run out of sth. ……用光了
run out 用尽
run short 短缺
rush hour 交通拥挤时间
safe and sound 安然无恙
satisfy one"s needs/demands/requirements 满足某人的需求
save sth. for 节约、节省
say hello to sb. 向某人问好
say to oneself 心里想
sb. be determined to do 下决心去……
sb. be encouraged to do sth. 某人被鼓励……
sb. be familiar with sth. 某人对……熟悉
sb. be forced to do 某人被强迫……
sb. be likely to do 很可能……
sb. be married to sb. 与……结婚
sb. be not oneself 某人状态不好
sb. be pleased to do…/at doing… 很高兴……
sb. be pleased with sth. 对……感到高兴、满意
sb. be said to do 某人将要……
sb. be supplied with sth. 某人被提供……
sb. be supposed to do 某人应该去做
sb. be supposed to have done 某人本来应该做(却没做)
sb. be sure/certain of(about) sth./doing 某人对做某事有把握
sb. be sure/certain to do 某人一定会做……
sb. be thought of/as ……被当作
sb. be used to doing/sth. 习惯于……、适应……
sb. be wanted on the phone 某人打来电话
sb. do so/such…as to do 某人做得……是为了……
sb. end sth. with sth. 某人以……结束……
