
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Five thousand miles of Chinese compatriots rise up!
Young China! Young China!
A billion youths
A billion fires
Light up the future of the motherland
Our blood flows along the Yellow River
Build a billion ships and set sail from Shichahai Lake
Follow the Grand Canal to the South Lake of Jiaxing
Our youth stretches along Kunlun Mountains
Ride a billion horses from Shanhai Pass
Follow the Great Wall to Yan"an in Shaanxi
Youth! China! Youth!
We shout to the sky of our motherland
In the December 9th Movement, we used our blood
Calling on four hundreds million compatriots
Resisted Japanese fascist invasion
In the Anti-Civil War Movement, we use our youth
Calling for the Chinese nation
Anti-Hunger, Anti-Civilwar, Anti-Persecution
Young China! Young China!
A billion youths
A billion fires
Welcome the arrival of new China
We take blood as the flag
Ignite the blood of Chinese youth
We ride dreams as horses
