
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Hold high the sacred torch of the motherland
To illuminate our sacred Central Country
Youth! China! Youth!
We face the sky of our motherland and shout:
We swing the hammers
To build the industry of the motherland
We raise the sickles
To reclaim the farmland of the motherland
We pick up the steel gun
To guard the border of the motherland
Young China! Young China!
A billion youths
A billion fires
Building a modern motherland
Looking back at the territory of 5000 miles
Thinking about the history of 5000 years
Youth! China! Youth!
We shout to the sky of our motherland
Our youth is transformed into the spirit of 360 industries
Our blood has become the flame of the new era
We put on fire uniforms
To put out the forest fire
We walk up to the three feet platform
To water the flowers of the motherland
We incarnate as angels in white
Blow the whistle of novel coronavirus warning
Fight the epidemic with youth
