
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
皮带 blouse 女衬衫 boots 靴子 button 纽扣
cap 帽子 coat 外套 collar 衣领 dress 女服 ; 童装 earring 耳环 glasses 眼镜 glove 手套 handbag 手提包 handkerchief 手帕 hat 帽子 jacket 夹克衫 jeans 牛仔裤 jewellery 珠宝 jumper 短褂 lipstick 唇膏 perfume 香水 pocket 口袋 pullover 套衫 pajamas 睡衣 raincoat 雨衣 ring 戒指 shirt 衬衫 shoes 鞋子 shorts 短裤 skirt 短裙 sleeve 袖子 spots 污点 suit 套装 sweater 毛线衫 sweatshirt 圆领长袖运动衫 swimming costume 泳装 T-shirt T 恤衫 Tracksuit 竞赛服 ;
田径服 trousers 裤子 umbrella 雨伞 uniform 制服 Adjectives comfortable 舒服的 cotton 棉的 fashionable 时尚的 gold 金;金币;金器 knitted 编织的 leather 皮革的 ; 皮质的
loose 松的 old -fashioned 过时的 silk 丝 的;丝织的 silver 银质的 stylish 现代风格的 ; 流行的 ; 潇洒的 tight 紧的 valuable 有价值的 woolen 羊毛的 Verbs/Verb phrases fit 适合 fold 折叠 ; 合拢 go with /match 搭配 put on 穿上 take off 脱下 try on 试穿 wear out 穿破 ; 用坏 Jack wanted to buy a knitted woolen sweater . He went to a clothes shop and found a very stylish one. “B ut I don ’t think this one is fit for me. ” He said to the shop assistant. The shop assistant answered, “Why don ’t you try it on ?” Jack then put on the sweater. But it was too tight and Jack couldn ’t take it off . “Oh my God, What should I do? ” “It is OK, ” said the assistant. “You needn ’t take it off any more after you pay for it. ” FRIENDS Nouns promise 承诺 secret 秘密 Verbs/Verb phrases accept 接受 complain 抱怨 fall out with 吵架 get on with 继续做 某事 help 帮助 laugh 笑 lie 躺着 ;
