
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
阳台 basement 地下室 bathroom 洗手间 bedroom 卧室 CD player CD 播放机 cellar 地窖 ; 地下室 central heating 中央暖气系统 chimney 烟囱 clothes line 衣绳 computer 电脑 ; 计算机 cooker 炊具 corkscrew 螺丝锥 desk 书桌 dining room 餐厅 dishwasher 洗碗机 entrance 入口 fence 篱笆 freezer 冷冻机 ; 冷冻设备 frying pan 煎锅;油炸锅 garage 车库 garden 花园 gate 大门 hall 礼堂 ; 大厅 ; 娱乐场 hedge 灌木树篱 ; 栅栏 ; 隔板 iron 熨斗 ; 烙铁 kitchen 厨房 lawn 草地 ;
草坪 living room 起居室 lounge 休闲室 ; 长沙发 microwave 微波炉 path 小路 plants 植物
roof 屋顶 rubbish bin 垃圾箱 seat 座位 sitting room 起居室 ; 客厅 sofa 沙发 space 空间 steps 脚步 table 桌子 toilet 厕所 too l 工具 toothpaste 牙膏 video recorder 录像机 wall 围墙;墙壁 washing machine 洗衣机 Adjectives comfortable 舒适的;舒服的 convenient 方便的;便利的 lively 可爱的;活泼的 neat 整齐的 peaceful 和平的 tidy 整洁的;整齐的 Tom was a bagger. But he was a rich beggar . Yesterday he drank a lot and went back. He walked along the tidy path and went through his garden. He entered the gate and opened the door of the living room . He then had a rest on the sofa . Later he felt hungry. So he got into the kitchen and made a meal with nice cookers . Then a lady came in and shouted at him: “You know where you are? ” Tom said, “Of course. This is my home! ” The lady then took out her mobile phone and dialed a number, “Is there 911? I get a drunk thief in my home. Come here quickly please! ” KITCHEN AND LIVING ROOM Nouns antique 古玩;
