
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
the rise of china, not just china, the rise of the developing world as well which china of course, is part, is creating a big crisis in the west. i would call it the existential crisis of the west.
because for 200 years, the west has run the world, has assumed that the world is its world, has been at the heart of all the major institutions, which it has designed. the assumption that its people will run the world, that its language, now english will dominate, that the people who run the world by and large will be white.
this era is coming to an end. this era is no longer sustainable. it"s not just the rise of china. it"s the rise of the developing world as well.
反对歧视偏见的行动正在西方国家发生,这种变化,不只是发生在美国,它是一种全球性的变化,是不同民族、不同肤色 、不同语言、不同文化 、不同文明的崛起。
and you"re experiencing in the west now, a backlash against its prejudice. and this change is not just happening in the united states. it"s a global change. it"s the rise of different peoples, different colors, different languages, different cultures, different civilizations.
