
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
Yet as the months of reducing waste continued, I did what I could that was within my own reach. I had my own bedroom, so I worked on removing things I didn"t need. Since I had my own toiletries(洗漱用品),I was able to start personalising my routine to be more sustainable. I also offered to cook every so often, so I portioned out a bit of the cupboard for my own zero waste groceries. Perhaps your household won"t entirely make the switch, but you may have some control over your own personal spaces to make the changes you desire.
As you make your lifestyle changes, you may find yourself wanting to speak up for yourself if others comment on what you"re doing, which can turn itself into a whole household debate. If you have individuals who are not on board, your words probably won"t do much and can often leave you feeling more discouraged.
So here is my advice:Lead by action.
24.What do the underlined words“jump on that bandwagon”mean in the first paragraph?
A.Share an apartment with you.
