
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
失望:14 Overcome with /by a feeling of disappointment at failing to win a prize , he locked himself up in his room..
15My heart sank to the bottom the instant I saw it
满意:16 The moment I finished the speech, all my classmates cheered up with wide eyes and burst into thunderous applause, the teacher nodded with satisfaction and thumbed up.
3.(doing sth ,)Sb felt a great sense of 情绪 welling up in sb’s heart and surging through sb 某人感到一股强烈的情绪在内心升腾,奔涌
好奇17.Burning with curiosity , she ran after the rabbit .非常好奇,
骄傲、自豪pride 18 My heart burst with pride and there was a big smile on my face
1)如释重负.sb let out /.breathed a sign of relief = sighed with relief松了一口气
19We all breathed a sigh of relief when he left.
20 A feeling of relief washed over her.她有种如释重负的感觉。
21Finally telling the truth was a great weight off my mind. 最后讲了实话使我如释重负。
叹气22:She was frustrated and let out a sign with a gloomy cloud taking on his face
3. 转折:个人努力或借助外界
解决冲突的具体方案基本如下:1.encouragement(某人的鼓励) 2.comfort(某人的安慰) 3.inspiration(突然灵机一动) 4.effort(自己的努力训练)5.calm(冷静思考) 6.kindness(某人的善良) 7.courage(勇敢)8.love(爱心,需要与move(感动)和patience(耐心)等适当结合) 9.help(及时帮助)(当然解决方案并不限于某一种,还可以是以上多种方式的结合)
