
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
鼓起勇气;他人的鼓励 Sb pluck up/take/gather one’s courage (to do...)
毫不犹豫 (1)sb could hardly w ait to do sth. (2)without a second thought (3)without even thinking (4)without delay (5)without hesitation
4. 转机:事情似乎有了转机,并抱有希望,感到欣慰
似乎 (1)It was like doing sth (2) It seemed as if that..
希望 (1)hoping that (2)see/feel a glimmer of hope (3)trying hard to do sth.
欣慰 (1)...breathed a sign of relief = sighed with relief松了一口气
(2) (a wave of) relief flooded through /washed over sb.
(3)to one"s relief, ...是人欣慰的/放心的是...
5. 失望:但是问题还未解决或出现了新问题
不幸的是 (1)but bad luck for sb, ... (2) ..., but in vain (3)..., but without success (4)..., but no use
不知道做什么 (1)sb did sth, wondering what to do next. (2)sb did sth, not knowing what to do next.
(3)sb did sth, unsure of what to do next. (4) sb was at a loss what to do.
(5)sb was in a dilemma about whether to do sth or not.
6. 想法:突然有了一个想法(一句话说明这个想法)
某人想到/明白...; 有了主意 (1)It suddenly occurred to sb that 从句 =It hit/struck sb that 从句=It dawned on sb that 从句
