
2023-10-27 来源:旧番剧
(2)(an idea, thought....) came to /popped into sb’s mind
1.(3)one’s mind began to race 4.At the thought of sth , 主谓宾
7. 结局:过段时间,事情有了最后的转折
过了一段时间 (1)not long after that,...=shortly afterwards,... = before long, ...
= It didn’t take long before 从句=It took some time before 从句
(2) for an instant/moment
事情有了转折 (1)To one’s surprise (delight) / Strangely enough, it turned out that 从句
(2)But no second thoughts,...
(3)But what happened next was pure magic.
8. 总结:点题,呼应前文
直到...才意识到 (1)倒装句:Not until then did sb realize/notice that 从句
还在某人的脑海中 (1)One"s word echoed/rang out in one’s ears.
(2)One’s words/voice/song lingered/whispered in one’s mind/ head.
经历与教训 (1)感叹句:What a/an valued/useful//painful lesson sb taught me/sb learned from sb.!
What a/an unforgettable / / interesting / valued experience sb had!
(3)Down deep in one’s heart,...在某人的内心深处Never had they spent such an unforgettable day.
亲情,友情 Laughter lingered in the room.笑声回荡在房间里。
