
2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
I always thought I could not remember his appearance when we were separated for 3 years. But I still think of him. The message after he opened the day he left said: I really loved you, and we may never see you again after this time. Let us forget about each other. I want to say that you are my rivers and lakes... I just replied with one word: OK. I just know that as long as I think of you in this life, I will be sad.
4、跟前任分手之后我本以为再也不会遇到光,后来我遇到了现在的男孩子,他对我很好,好到让我觉得他如果来得早一点会更好,他就像天使一样,来治愈我,我好爱他,也爱我自己爱他的这个样子,炙热而深沉,我想跟我的男孩永远都好好的爱着 直到结婚
After breaking up with my ex, I thought I would never meet Hikari again. Then I met the current boy. He treated me very well, so that I thought it would be better if he came earlier. He is like an angel. , To heal me, I love him so much, I love him like this, hot and deep, I want to love my boy forever until we get married
