
2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧


7、你从阳光下走来,带着温暖的气息,脸上有最温柔的笑容。伸出手来,抓紧,把我拉离寂寞的边缘。那一瞬间,阳光散漫,把一切的美好都给我。 我轻轻睁开眼,你的呼吸越来越近。 我坚信,那蓝汪汪的天,碧青的山丘上承载着执着的太阳花。你站在花丛中,笑着向我伸出手,永远的等待我,永不曾离开……
You came from the sun, with a warm breath, with the gentlest smile on your face. Reach out, hold on, and pull me from the edge of loneliness. At that moment, the sun was scattered, giving me all the good things. I opened my eyes slightly, and your breath was getting closer. I firmly believe that the blue sky and green hills carry persistent sunflowers. You stand among the flowers, smile and stretch out your hand to me, waiting for me forever, and never leave…

I had only wanted to fulfill my dream, but I didn"t want to be marketable or be polished by reality. Until that day, I saw the gray hair on my mother"s head, and suddenly realized that I was already doing what I loved. This was the realization of my dream. The so-called realization of dreams may not mean an ending, but a process. The next thing to do is to concentrate on research and do things that make mom happy and proud. Accepting reality is not numb, but being willing to be ordinary is also great.
