
2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧


I always think that it’s fine to live a good life, but adults are always talking about other people’s opinions. I can’t understand it. Maybe it’s because I haven’t really experienced life yet, so I always love everything. I feel that the world is very beautiful…… I will experience all kinds of things in life in the future, but I hope that I will still be what I am now, still full of love for the world, and full of love for life
Actually, I’m not afraid to try to do something. Even if it fails, it’s no big deal, but I’m most afraid of other people’s incomprehension. It’s been more than a year since I graduated and it’s still moonlight. , Family members do not support, friends do not understand, they all think that as long as they have a job, they can support themselves. It seems that they only need money in their eyes and nothing else matters
