北京市海淀区初三2020年上学期期末答案 听力原文 录音稿(13)

2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
What have you learned from your experience?你从你的经历中学到了什么?
60. A possible version
Sample 1
Dear Peter,
I’d like to invite you to watch a movie with me on January 25th to celebrate the Spring Festival. I have checked the movie information that day at Hongxing Movie Theater. Among the great movies, I would like to invite you to watch Lost in Russia, a comedy directed by Xu Zheng.《囧妈》
As a great actor and director, Xu has produced quite a few successful comedies. What’s more, Xu and another famous actor Shen Teng act in it. I believe this pair will surely bring us a lot of fun.
Would you like to join me? Can we meet at 13:00 at the gate of Hongxing Theater? The movie will start at 13:30. It will last for 2 hours. After that, I’d like to invite you to have dinner with me in my home.
I’m looking forward to your reply.
