2024-06-15 来源:旧番剧
花若盛开,蝴蝶自来!你若精彩,天自安排!(中文校训 Chinese motto)
(If you are flowers, butterflies come;If you are wonderful, days arrangement!)
Nothing is impossible,if it is impossible,make it possible! (英文校训 English motto)
新时代 新教育!敢问路在何方?路在脚下!世上本没有路,走的人多了,也便成了路!路漫漫其修远兮!
New era! New education! Journey to the West?The road is under the feet! Where there is a will, there is a way! This is what we called long journeys and destination!
One Belt (Generation) One Road (Deer)! Thanks for being with you all the way however bitter we will endure! Belt (Generation) to Belt (Generation)!
Education with Father"s heart and mother"s love! Do education with heart and soul!
Treasure not only for yourself, but also for next generation!
新(心)时代 新(心)教育 王凯莉国际教育(Kelly Wang International Education)
