
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
A:It was nice to meet you,too.And please give my regards to Mrs.Smith.
B:I will.Good bye.(《高中英语口语教程》,王振亚,教育科学出版社) 3.B:...Oh,excuse me.I must be going now,I"m afraid.
A:It was so nice to meet you again.
B:It was nice to meet you,too.And please say hello to George.
A:I will.Good-bye.(同上)
八、right表示all right之意
旧观点:right意为“正确,对”,用于对某事的正误进行的判断。all right意为“好的”,表示赞同、满意等。也可回答How are you?之类的问候语。 新观点:right可代替all right表示对他人的建议、请求、命令等的赞同或对某事的满意等。例如:
1.Yang Mei:I"d like to study medicine and come a doctor. Sara:Right.Nice meeting you.Yang Mei.Bye.(SEFC 1A P.3) 2.Sharon:I"ve got a pain here.Just here.Ouch!
Dr.Yang:Right.Let me examine you.(SEFC 1B P.1)
3.A:Shall we start now?我们现在开始吧?
B:Right!Let"s start.行,开始吧。(《英国口语词典》,段立新,外语教学与研究出版社)
4.A:I"m going to the 3rd Avenue.我要去第三大街。
B:Right you are,sir,I"ll drive you there.好嘞,先生,我开车送您去那儿。(同上)
5.A:I"ll let you know when I find the title you want.我找到了您要的那本书就告诉您。
B:Righto!Thanks!See you later.好,就这样吧!多谢您了!回头见!(同上)
