
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
Keywords :Entrepreneurial methods. Prescriptive theories. Effectuation. Comparison . Rigor and relevance
关键词: 创业方法 规范性理论 效果逻辑 严谨性和相关性


Prescriptive methods have recently attracted considerable interest in the field of entrepreneurship (Jones and Penaluna 2013). Methods are principles of thought and action that guide the theoretical and practical aspects of human action (cf. Neck and Greene 2011; Mansoori 2017; Romme and Endenburg 2006). A main sourceof prescriptions for entrepreneurs is the widespread scholarly effort to empirically describe and categorize entrepreneurial processes (cf. Romme 2016) and then to transform the results into prescriptive methods (Denyeret al. 2008) for how entrepreneurs should reason and behave in order to create value. A prominent example of an entrepreneurial method is effectuation, presented as a set of heuristics any entrepreneur could use to develop a new venture in the face of uncertainty (Sarasvathy 2001). Another main source of prescriptions for entrepreneurs stems from expert entrepreneurs themselves, who have distilled their personal and idiosyncratic experiences into relatively coherent prescriptive advice. A widespread example is the lean startup methodology, Prescribing that entrepreneurs formulate and test venture hypotheses through interacting with customers (Ries 2011).
