
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
4.2Resource management 资源管理
The second conceptual dimension is concerned with how to use existing resources and acquire new ones through various strategies. Scarce resources play an important and integral role in any entrepreneurial process (Ozdemir et al. 2016; Baker and Nelson 2005), and entrepreneurial methods often provide recommendations for acquiring and managing resources. Depending on the over arching logic of the entrepreneur methods, different standpoints are taken. Effectuation emphasizes the dynamic nature of the resources at hand by focusing attention on two issues: entrepreneurs should rely only on resources they are willing to lose, and self-selected stakeholders should be given the opportunity to (re)shape the future of the venture in exchange for committing resources (Dew et al. 2009). While discovery-driven planning grants more prominence to resources than business planning, they both offer guidance on how existing resources should be allocated (McGrath and MacMillan 2000; Shane and Delmar 2003). Yet, neither method suggests strategies for how to acquire these new resources. Within design thinking, there do not appear to be recommendations around resource management. Prescriptive entrepreneurship discusses resources primarily as information about the possible discovered opportunities and provides ways to acquire new ones (Fiet 2007). Finally, the lean startup methodology cautions that frugality must be exercised in initial tests of the venture idea, before the commitment of any major resources. Here, ideas around the scarcity of resources crystallize into the forewarning to fail early and fast (Khanna et al. 2016).
