
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧


(一)第一阶段:迅即应对突发疫情Stage I: Swift Response to the Public Health Emergency
(2019年12月27日至2020年1月19日)(December 27, 2019-January 19, 2020)
湖北省武汉市监测发现不明原因肺炎病例,中国第一时间报告疫情,迅速采取行动,开展病因学和流行病学调查,阻断疫情蔓延。及时主动向世界卫生组织以及美国等国家通报疫情信息,向世界公布新型冠状病毒基因组序列。武汉地区出现局部社区传播和聚集性病例,其他地区开始出现武汉关联确诊病例,中国全面展开疫情防控。As soon as cases of pneumonia of unknown cause were identified in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China acted immediately to conduct etiological and epidemiological investigations and to stop the spread of the disease, and promptly reported the situation. In a timely manner, China informed the WHO and other countries, including the US, of the developing situation, and released the genome sequence of the novel coronavirus. After community spread and clusters of cases emerged in Wuhan, and confirmed cases were reported in other Chinese regions, which were due to virus carriers traveling from the city, a nationwide program of epidemic prevention and control was launched.
