
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
(1)2019年12月27日,湖北省中西医结合医院向武汉市江汉区疾控中心报告不明原因肺炎病例。武汉市组织专家从病情、治疗转归、流行病学调查、实验室初步检测等方面情况分析,认为上述病例系病毒性肺炎。(1)December 27, 2019: Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine reported cases of pneumonia of unknown cause to the Wuhan Jianghan Center for Disease Prevention and Control. The Wuhan city government arranged for experts to look into these cases through an analysis of the patients’ condition and clinical outcome, the findings of epidemiological investigations, and preliminary laboratory testing results. The conclusion was that they were cases of a viral pneumonia.
(2)12月30日,武汉市卫生健康委向辖区医疗机构发布《关于做好不明原因肺炎救治工作的紧急通知》。国家卫生健康委获悉有关信息后立即组织研究,迅速开展行动。(2)December 30: The Wuhan City Health Commission (WCHC)issued Urgent Notice on Treatment of Patients with Pneumonia of Unknown Cause. Upon learning of developments, the National Health Commission (NHC) acted immediately to organize research into the disease.
(3)12月31日凌晨,国家卫生健康委作出安排部署,派出工作组、专家组赶赴武汉市,指导做好疫情处置工作,开展现场调查。武汉市卫生健康委在官方网站发布《关于当前我市肺炎疫情的情况通报》,发现27例病例,提示公众尽量避免到封闭、空气不流通的公众场合和人多集中地方,外出可佩戴口罩。当日起,武汉市卫生健康委依法发布疫情信息。(3) December 31: The NHC made arrangements in the small hours to send a working group and an expert team to Wuhan to guide its response to the situation and conduct on-site investigations.The WCHC website carried its Information Circular on the Pneumonia Cases in Wuhan, confirming 27 cases and urging the public to stay away from enclosed public places with poor ventilation and venues where large crowds gathered. The commission also suggested the use of face masks when going out. From that day on, the WCHC began to release updates on the disease in accordance with the law.
