
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
关心关爱海外中国公民。国家时刻挂念海外中国公民的安危,敦促、支持有关国家政府采取有效措施保障当地华侨、留学生、中资机构人员等安全。派出医疗专家组、工作组,开设远程医疗服务平台,为海外中国公民提供科学专业的疫情防控指导。协调外方全力救治在国外确诊感染的中国公民,充分调动国内专家、援外医疗队等资源,积极支持配合外方开展救治。驻外使领馆尽力履行领事保护职能,通过各种渠道宣介疫情防护知识,向留学生发放100多万份“健康包”。协助在海外确有困难的中国公民有序回国。Care and compassion for Chinese citizens overseas.China takes the safety of its citizens abroad very seriously. It has urged the governments of other countries to take effective measures to ensure the safety of Chinese students, the personnel of Chinese-funded institutions, and other Chinese nationals in their countries, and has supported them in doing so. Medical expert teams and work groups have been dispatched overseas and telemedicine service platforms set up, which provide scientific and professional guidance on Covid-19 prevention and control for Chinese citizens in other countries. Chinese medical teams have worked with host countries to ensure the best possible treatment for Chinese citizens diagnosed with infection. China has fully mobilized experts at home, medical teams on foreign aid missions, and other resources to assist foreign countries to provide treatment to these patients.Performing their consular protection duties, Chinese embassies and consulates abroad have disseminated information on Covid-19 prevention and self-protection through all channels, and have provided more than 1 million “health kits” to overseas Chinese students. They have also helped overseas Chinese citizens in difficulty to return home.
