
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
以国之名悼念逝者。4月4日清明节,中国举行全国性哀悼活动,深切悼念抗击疫情斗争牺牲烈士和逝世同胞,为没有等来春天的生命默哀,向所有用生命守护生命的英雄致敬。从最高领导人到普通民众,14亿中国人民以最深的怀念为牺牲烈士和逝世同胞送行。中国以国家之名和最高仪式祭奠逝者,是国家对人民个体尊严与生命的尊重与敬畏,是14亿中国人民集体情感背后的团结和力量。National tribute to the deceased.On April 4, the Chinese traditional Tomb-sweeping Day, China paid tribute to all those who had given their lives in the fight against Covid-19, and those who had died of the disease. People throughout the country observed a silence to mourn the loss of lives and pay tribute to heroes who had protected others’ lives at the cost of their own. From the top leader to ordinary people, 1.4 billion Chinese bade farewell to their dear departed. This solemn national ceremony demonstrates that the country respects and holds in awe the dignity and lives of people as individuals. It signifies the solidarity and strength of 1.4 billion Chinese.
(二)举全国之力抗击疫情2.Mobilizing the Whole Country to Fight the Epidemic
一方有难,八方支援。疫情发生后,全国上下紧急行动,依托强大综合国力,开展全方位的人力组织战、物资保障战、科技突击战、资源运动战,全力支援湖北省和武汉市抗击疫情,在最短时间集中最大力量阻断疫情传播。“中方行动速度之快、规模之大,世所罕见,展现出中国速度、中国规模、中国效率”。(注4)When a disaster strikes in one location, help comes from all quarters. After the outbreak, the entire country acted promptly. Relying on its overall national strength, China mobilized the people, enhanced R&D, procured supplies, and brought them to those in need rapidly. It mustered the support of the whole country to assist Hubei, and particularly Wuhan, to combat the disease. It pooled all its strength in the shortest period of time, and halted the spread of the epidemic. Hailing the speed and scale of China’s response, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus described it as unprecedented, and said it showed the efficiency and the strength of China’s system.
